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Entries in Marriage (27)

Feast Festival Picnic in the Park, ACSA, Adelaide

Peter Burge, Sydney

Naomi + Lauren, Brisbane

Ian + Michael, Glasgow + Melbourne

Andrew + Mikey, Canberra

Electric Screams, Perth

Proposition 8 Overturned in California 

This Is Oz has attracted quite a few submissions addressing marriage equality and relationship rights. We also recognise that marriage equality is an important issue for many people regardless of their sexuality or gender.

Richard Katter, North QueenslandToday the Federal Court in San Francisco ruled that same sex couples in the state have the right to be married. This overturns Proposition 8’s ban on gay marriage in California. This issue attracted community outrage when same sex marriages were banned in California last year and there has been much political lobbying since.

This Is Oz was modelled on a similar site in the US called Faces of US which was a 2009 photo blog inspired by a lack of equality in the United States and fuelled by the passing of Proposition 8. In the spirit of Faces of US and in support of today's announcement we are pleased to share this significant development.

For more on This Is Oz and Faces of US check out the This Is Oz Behind The Scenes.

Find out more

Proposition 8 Overturned in California on

Proposition 8 Overturned on The Advocate Online

George + Michael, Melbourne

Sarah, Brisbane

Jane + Anna, Sydney