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Fighting Homophobia Collaboration 

One of our wonderful fans, Millie, has created this fantastic video supporting This is Oz.

This Is Oz has a policy of not publishing messages refering to “That’s so gay” - such as “Hate is so gay”.  We feel these kinds of comments continue to reinforce people's beliefs that gay is bad or wrong.

This video contains messages like this. Please see next image down for more information. We'd really like your opinion.

Millie says about her video:

"I've always wanted to do something and help change the LGBTQI community. So after seeing the This is Oz website I thought 'hey i know what i can do, I can make a collaboration of my friends all over the world holding up signs and turn it into a video'
Homophobia is a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards homosexuality and people identified or perceived as being homosexual. And in a world where anything is possible, homophobia still lives.

We've fought for the same rights as straight people for years but we aren't even close yet.

Homophobia is real and unfortunately most of the LGBTQI community have come across it at some stage. Things such as verbal, physical, or emotional harassment, humiliating, excluding, tormenting, ridiculing or threatening, or refusing to work or co-operate because of sexuality.

I want to help make a change in the way people see Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Queer and Intersex people. We are people! and just because we may love someone of the same gender that doesn't change a thing."

Thanks so much for your support Millie.

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