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Pauley Perrette, USA

NCIS, Network 10

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Reader Comments (28)

Interesting choice of words. Yes, God made us all, but we have a choice if we want to be His children or not. God is the same yesterday, today and forever, He hated homosexuality before, why would it be OK now?
I am not saying that I hate homosexuals. I am saying hate the sin not the sinner and by they way, we are all sinners. I am not pretending to be better than any other person. I am saying we are all in need of a savior and His name is Jesus. I say it's time that political correctness dies!
If we believe in God, how can we say that homosexuality is OK? If we don't believe in God... then God help us!
Jesus is the answer.
I agree, let love rule! God is love, so let Him rule!!!!!

June 14, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterJean Coetzee

@ Jean Coetzee,

This website is dedicated to inclusiveness and diversity. Is it politically correct to acknowledge that people come from all walks of life? Is that such a bad thing?

Pauley's words are not ideal as it ignores the fact that people have different belief systems across the world and also many who do not subscribe to religion or the idea of there being a god. It has the potential to be very divisive, which was obviously not her intent, but still is not the best choice of words.

June 14, 2020 | Unregistered Commenterhenry

We always loved you Pauly. And now we love you even more :)

June 14, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterFi and Sar

@ Jean Coetzee

"He hated homosexuality before, why would it be OK now?"

And when did He mention hating homosexuality before? In the Bible? The same sacred text that in the past has been used by human beings to infer God's support of slavery, anti-semitism and oppression of women?

The Bible is diminished when read as a literal text.

@ henry

I think Pauley was speaking to the large number of people who cite sacred texts to justify their hatred of homosexuality and LGBTIQ people. Naturally, this is not relevant to everyone. But for the large numbers of LGBTIQ people, their families and friends who suffer a homophobia supposedly backed by a God who they once believed loved them, her words are a powerful positive statement. Thank you Pauley.

June 14, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterFi and Sar

I do not do religion! Lets face it, so many atrocities have been committed in the name of God! I make it clear, I AM A SINNER, I AM NOT BETTER THEN ANYBODY ELSE. Lets also not forget the words of Jesus "Let he who has no sin cast the first stone". I might come across as being judgmental but I don't mean to. Of course I am going to say what I believe and I can't force my thoughts or opinions onto anybody else.
All I am saying is that I try to the best of my ability to measure everything by the word of God.
My point is this, I am only sharing my opinion on what I believe to be true. My challenge to every body else is to find the truth for them selves.

For those that don't believe in God, it takes more faith to believe in evolution then it does to believe in a creator.

The question is, how far will we all go to find the truth? I encourage everybody, don't take my word for it and don't just dismiss my comments as superficial religious tripe and to find out for them selves.

Jesus Christ is real and is the hope for us all.

June 14, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterJean Coetzee

This site is about accepting gays not preaching the word of god.. stay on topic eh?

June 16, 2020 | Unregistered Commenterjohn

Jesus taught love, kidness, compassion and forgiveness. He kept sinners as company and rejected those who claimed to be holy and the corrupt religious leaders of the time. So who says God hates those who sin (personally, I can't see consensual love as a sin, but whatever) if His son gives us that message? I mean, Jesus technically is God. If you believe that. Christians seem to be very vocal on the subject of morality and whatnot. Anyway.

On another note, Pauley is absolutely adorable.

June 17, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterAnna

hello modrerator! There is a disclaimer on this sight that homophobic comments wont be published, why exactly was Jean Coetzee's comment published? I've read the comment three times and every way I look at it it's homophobic... In short, what Coetzee is saying is: One must believe in god and if you do it follows that God hates gays. please remove the comment.It is inane.

July 1, 2020 | Unregistered Commentersophia

Hi Sophia,

Thanks for your comment. We agree that there are homophobic comments in this thread. However we made a decision to leave many of the comments here as we felt this thread was doing a good job at self moderating. We also felt that while the comments demonstrate diverse views, they also demonstrate the importance of this website.

If you would prefer we remove the entire thread we are happy to do so. However because it is self moderating, we see this as an opportunity to both highlight diverse views and create opportunities for others to respond to them. If any comments are left which are more direct personal attacks, we will remove them.

Thanks again for your comment Sophia.

July 1, 2020 | Registered CommenterThisoz Admin

Amen Sista! God loves every one, whether or not everyone loves God is not the topic, lol. And even if you don't believe in God, take it more as someone loves you, not matter what your sexuality is :D
Much love!

July 5, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterHuh?

Love your work, Oz.

July 9, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterN

Could agree more with Fi and Sar.

I'm an aesthest. I love Pauley, and regardless of her religous views, I'm glad that someone is appealing to those who feel that because they are Christian they can't support equal love.

Good on you!

July 15, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterAnge

Regarding the original post "He hated homosexuality before, why would it be OK now?"....

can someone please show me where that statement is actually written in the bible exactly? I've looked and looked and see nothing at all. Except for the taking of slaves part (does that mean I can make my Kiwi boyfriend my SLAVE!?) Woohoo!

July 20, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterSienna

I'm replying to the post from Sienna where it is asked about where it is written in the Bible about homosexuality. Below are just a couple. Before I share these I want to reiterate it is to hate the sin, NOT the sinner. I've chosen two from the Old Testament and two from the New Testament. This is to show there is a constant in God's Word from before Jesus' birth to after. I am a Christian! I love the Lord Jesus with my whole heart. In saying this I have a couple of very beautiful friends who are homosexual. I am not homophobic, but I believe [and they know my views] it is against God's law and last time I looked we still use the Holy Bible in court to make a promise that we are going to speak the truth. Under our constitution which was founded on God's word - God's Word is still the ultimate truth. Therefore homosexuality is wrong in His eyes. But He still loves those who choose to live this lifestyle. His heart is that those who choose to live outside the bounds of His laws, will repent and live as He intended. Love the person - hate the sin - homosexuality is a sin.

Leviticus 18:22 Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.

Leviticus 20:13 If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense.

Romans 1:26-27 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

Matthew 19:4-6 “Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning ‘God made them male and female.’5 And he said, ‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’6 Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.”

We are so quick to talk about intolerance, but aren't those who oppose God's law and say it is outdated being just as intolerant. Political correctness is just an excuse to be allowed to do anything that feels OK at the time.

I don't wish to offend but as a Christian I am tired of being one of the only minorities who aren't allowed to speak or have a say without being called a prude!

July 25, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterKerrilee

Go Kerrilee! Too often we take for granted the way our society was formed, on the basis of Godly values. But there is one who prowls around like a lion, whispers lies in ears, even lies that have an ounce of truth in them. This 'fair go' thing, it has much truth in it. True, Christ did say to the woman, whoever is without sin throw the first stone. And even Christ who WAS without sin chose not to throw a stone. But after showing forgiveness, full of love, he said GO AND SIN NO MORE. I am a sinner, but my heart reflects that which knows I am a sinner, but Christ covers my sins, when my heart is repentant about what I have done, and because of this my actions change to be more like Christ

God does not hate GLBT people, he loves them and is rejoicing like a father who had lost his son/daughter everytime one repents and returns to him. This is my Oz, based on Christ.

July 26, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterDean

This Is Oz admin are watching this (and other) threads very carefully and would like to remind people about our policy which states on the main page:

Please note that all images and comments will be moderated and we won't publish homophobic comments, offensive material or personal attacks.

While we recognise that 'offensive material' may be subjective we do want to remind all posters to this thread to be very mindful of our policy and that we will delete comments from this site which breach this, as we have in the past. We do sometimes however leave comments up when we see a measured and self moderating element to a discussion or on a thread. Thank you all for your comments on This is Oz.

July 26, 2020 | Registered CommenterThisoz Admin

I am not a child of God.

Over forty years of marriage, two children, 5 grandkids all happy, why deny this opportunity to gay people? Bloody Christian, Jewish, Islamic pseudo ethicists wake up - allow gay people to marry and raise children.

August 21, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterRon Cook

i dont beleive in god, but what shes saying makes me feel acepted.

August 30, 2020 | Unregistered Commenterkate

australia needs to bring christianity as its roots for this nation to get better-everybody thinks christianity is where god condems every1-thats bull..we need christianity in our schools & to be taught on tv because its jesus teachings that potray real love- god doesnt hate gays,whovere thought that is lost jesus loves gays but he htaes gay lifestyle-difference with christianity we are taught to lay down our lives& care for others even if someone repays us with a bad deed,,yet today people are taught most important to be happy yet are not longer taught to put others before yourself

September 26, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterDANNY

@ Kerrilie

I find it interesting that the bible verses quoted by narrow minded broad tongued Christians to support their bigoted point of view can for the most part only be found in the old testament. These books were written at a time when Christianity was in it's infancy and converting ppl to its view by sword and fire, rape and destruction.

I also note that they are quoted out of context and with little regard to the culture of the time.

Is the same book that advocated slavery, sentences women to stoning for adultery, has a death penalty for those who break sabbath and work on a Sunday, details all the ways God will kill you if you don't do exactly what he says (flood, pestilance, snakes) truly applicable in todays society?

I am also a Christian in faith if not religion as i find the bible is not used as a guide to living a just and happy life as was intended, but as a weapon to kill, persecute and rob people of their dignity their feeling of belonging UNLESS you question nothing and DO AS YOU ARE COMMNDED!

I note the church and it's princes wear gold trimmed clothing, are fat and eat the very best food, while many of their followers go hungry and some live in cardboard boxes.

Christianity as a religion is full of inconsistencies.

Lets switch to the new testament now.

I ask you this: Would jesus, who healed the sick, fed the starving, and never set himself above his fellow man DESPITE being the SON OF GOD HIMSELF stone a gay person? Or do you think he would protect them? He forgave Judas before he was betrayed by him which lead to his death.....

AND last but not least:

God DID NOT write the bible. Mankind did. It has been edited, interpreted and transcribed MANY times by human beings.

God DID write the 10 commandments. He chiseled them in STONE and gave them to Moses. lets see...thou shalt not steal.....must respect parents.....thou shalt not lie.....oh bugger cant work on a sunday!!! damn i have been breaking a commandment!!!! wow straight to hell for me i guess....something about idols.....uuuuh nothing here about gays....

uh you'd think if god hated them so much there would be an 11th commandment

that said something like:


woah! this got out of hand. but christine had the same point i was going to mention.
God didn't create the bible, the bible was simply the interpretation of gods word and will on those who thought it both nessasary and thier right to do so. Whatever is said in the bible is up to the person whom is reading its opinion to subscribe to or not.
although i am not religious, as i believe that the idea of organised religion is not only bullshit, but a way to control the masses, i do pray on ocassion when i deam in nessasary.
And i DO believe that whether you believe in a god or subscribe to a religion, that we are all children of god, and god being a relative term so widly used nowadays its up to you to interprate 'god'.
so i think that even though Paulies words may have been unfortunatly used, you should take more time and consideration on the intent behind her words, and acknowledge her achivements.

Go Pauly, you will always be the fun loving goth that well all know and love <3

October 30, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterAlexander Johnson

I don't have a faith, I'm not even over twenty, so please answer some of my questions?
Someone mentioned homosexuals don't follow God's way - but how do you know they don't pray in private? Or wear a cross underneth their clothes?
You don't.
How can you know they have or don't have faith, when they're shunned by the churches, and they're not allowed in?
Don't you think if God hated homosexuals, he wouldn't have created them? Maybe he made them that way, to open people's minds, to accept something his children may think is different?
It's just a thought, I really think Pauly is great - her hearts in the right place.

November 12, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterMay

I am a retired Baptist Pastor (63 years). Jesus never said to love the sinner but hate the sin. He said to love the sinner and hate YOUR OWN SIN.

If you quote Lev 18:22 and 20:13 to condemn homosexuality, please tell me how you obey Lev 19:37 and 20:22, Gal 3:10 and 5:3 and OBEY EVERY SINGLE OLD TESTAMENT LAW. You don't get a choice. God said so. Lev 20:9 (4 verses away from Lev 20:13) says anyone who hates his father and his mother must be put to death. When your children throw a tantrum and curse you or wife, how many of them have killed lately and if not WHY NOT?

It is also an abomination to touch the body of a dead animal. Is it OK if footballers wear gloves? Lev 19:17 says "Do not hate your brother in your heart". Thinking of your gay brothers and sisters in Christ, does that one get a tick or a cross? Let's get serious about this please.

Romans 1 IN CONTEXT talks about those who have known the Lord and rejected him, worshipped idols.."Therefore".."Because of this".. Then Paul spoke about those who have had a heterosexual orientation, abandoned that to PRACTICE homosexuality. Nothing is said about a gay orientation anywhere. ALL OF THESE MUST APPLY BEFORE IT CAN APPLY TO HOMOSEXUALS. How come the context of every single passage is vitally important but NOT Rom 1?

How can Paul or anyone possibly accuse gays of abandoning their hetersoexual orientation if they have never had one? Paul also says NOTHING about those who were born with a homosexual orientation and abandoned that to TRY TO practice heterosexuality (usually under pressure from the church). It is now a scientifically proven FACT that some people are born gay.

TWO things are against nature in the Bible. One is those above IN CONTEXT and the other is men with long hair in 1 Cor 11:14. Let's be consistent and apply ALL your condemnation and judgements to BOTH. The original Greek is exactly the same in both places. When you pick and choose what you want to believe, it is called cognative dissonance.

The WHOLE POINT of Rom 1 is Rom 2:1 which says "You therefore have no excuse, you who pass judgement on someone else". How about we OBEY THAT VERSE.

If you want to talk about Sodom, I would gladly do that. There is NOT ONE VERSE in the original Hebrew and Greek that says that Sodom was destroyed because of homosexuality or that it even occurred there. Before you disagree, get down your lexicons and concordances and check it ALL CAREFULLY. Sodom is mentioned 47 times in the Bible.

I am also very happy to disguss 1 Cor 6:9 and 1 Tim 1:10 at any time.

If you quote Gen 1:27 "Male and female he created them" please sit Gal 3:28 alongside it "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male AND female, for we are ALL one in Christ Jesus." (There is a mistake in most translations. It is "male AND female", not "male nor female.") No further comment is needed. Pauley's sign in the above photo is correct.

I wrote a paper on this and in the first month after it was published on a large US website, 7700 sent in emails about it and 7000 agreed with me. 350 gays said they planned to take their own lives over this said they said they had decided against it. Many families were reunited. THIS ISSUE IS THAT SERIOUS. Gays commit suicide at 6-8 times the national average. Homophobia and gay bashing has GOT TO STOP GUYS. IT REALLY DOES.

When in doubt, just say what Jesus said about it.

Many of the gays I know are wonderful people. I am very proud to call them my friends.


November 18, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

its refreshing and inspiring to hear someone that follows Christ speak in such an open and accepting way. Its people like you that will help open the eyes of those who can't yet accept homosexuality.
do you have a link to your paper? I would love to read it.

November 29, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

Instead of sending a message that all Australians are to be treated fairly and equally, regardless of their sexual orientation, the message currently being sent by our federal law is that it is acceptable to exclude lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered persons from a central social institution and that our relationships are inferior. Providing same sex couples with the equal right to marry will not harm religious institutions in any way. Each religion will still have the right to choose whether or not to perform marriages for same-sex couples. Religions that wish to perform marriages for same-sex couples should also have the freedom to do so.

Some day, same-sex couples in Australia will have the legal right to marry. That is inevitable. As with every major human rights advance, from the abolition of slavery to allowing women to vote, future generations will look back and wonder how anyone could have opposed such a basic human right.

Whoever you are, whatever you think. Isn’t about time you stood up for us?

Australia's NEW Marriage Act:
"Marriage is the lawful union of two persons to the exclusion of all others. It is recognized that officials of religious groups are free to refuse to perform marriages that are not in accordance with their religious beliefs."

However, the marriage act currently states that it is the lawful union between a man and a woman. This is no longer reflective or relevant of Australia today, and does not include or aim to include all Australians.

We are your mothers and fathers, aunties and uncles, sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, cousins, friends, colleagues, team mates, strangers. We wait next to you in line for the bus, sit next to you on the train, stand next to you on the escalator, drive next to you on the highway. Take your pass as you board the plane, we share the cycle paths. We serve you at café’s and sit on the next table at restaurants; we pass you in the aisle at the supermarket and try clothes on in the change room next to you, we gamble at the same casino, we bbq next to you at the park, we share classrooms, we teach your children, we read the same newspaper. We cool down in the beach next to you, we dance next to you at concerts, we watch the same channel as you, we cheer for the same team, we volunteer, we vote .We fight for our country and we share the same island.

One thing we don’t share is the equality of recognition of relationships. :(

November 29, 2020 | Unregistered Commenterjaime

Amy - This is the link to my paper. I hope it is helpful. A sample of the emails I received are at the end.

December 2, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterDavid


"This Is Oz is an online photo gallery where people can HELP fight discrimination against Australia’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) community. Part art project, part human rights campaign, This Is Oz is all about making Australia a place where everyone belongs."


February 28, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterOUTLOUD


Thanks very much for supporting This Is Oz Unfortunately we needed to shorten your post a little as we don't allow personal attacks. Our policy on the main page states:

Please note that all images and comments will be moderated and we won't publish homophobic comments, offensive material or personal attacks.

We do reserve the right to delete or moderate comments which breach these preconditions. We do sometimes however leave comments up when we see a measured and self moderating element to a discussion or on a thread. Thank you for your comments on This is Oz.

March 1, 2021 | Registered CommenterThisoz Admin

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