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Entries in Telstra (2)

Telstra Customer Relationship Management, Melbourne

David Thodey, Telstra CEO + Telstra's Senior Team, Melbourne

Telstra's senior team takes a stand for diversity

Telstra CEO David Thodey decided to throw his support behind This Is Oz, saying it was time for business to take a stand.

Mr Thodey was joined by members of Telstra's senior leadership team, pictured L to R: Robert Nason (COO) Andrea Grant (HR) John Stanhope (CFO), Deena Shiff (Business), Kate McKenzie (Marketing) and Paul Geason (Wholesale).

Mr Thodey said he was proud of the public stand taken by his team, saying it sent a very clear message to everyone in the company that Telstra stood for a culture of respect.

"Homophobia is just not acceptable and Telstra has been recognised for the work we've done in recent years to embrace diversity and update our corporate policies to remove any form of discrimination,"  he said.