Entries in Media (6)
Program to take on homophobia in schools
WILLIAM FIELD knows first hand the pain that homophobia can inflict. The 21-year-old dropped out of two high schools after he was beaten and abused for being gay.
He said teachers often responded to his complaints by saying he should not talk about his sexuality.
''I had no idea what to do and I'd come home crying every day because I had no one like me and people were saying I was a girl,'' he said. ''It would have been so good to have had people in school who could tell us what it was like, or speakers who could tell us what it was like, to be gay.''
New Network 10 Community Service Announcements
Network Ten and many of its top presenters are lending their support to an international effort to reduce discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) people.
AFL Players For IDAHO 2010
Look at the great things happening in Victoria. Congratulations AFL and your partnership with the Anti-Violence Project of Victoria.
ACON Slams AFL Player's Homophobic Comments
20/05/10 - Australia’s largest community-based gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) health organisation has expressed concern at comments from AFL player Jason Akermanis who has called for gay AFL players to keep their sexuality private.
In his regular column for various publications, Western Bulldogs midfielder Jason Akermanis has told gay players not to ‘come out’ because the world of AFL is not ready to accept them.
ACON CEO Nicolas Parkhill says Mr Akermanis’ comments are ignorant and dangerous.
Network 10 Celebs Sign Up To Fight Homophobia
Network Ten and many of its top presenters are lending their support to an international effort to reduce discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) people.
To mark the International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO) on May 17, selected Network Ten personalities will appear in a special 30 second advertisement encouraging people to get involved in This Is Oz, an online photo gallery where participants can upload pictures of themselves with messages that challenge homophobia or celebrate diversity and social inclusion. The web address is www.thisisoz.com.au
Some of the Network Ten stars participating in the project include newsreader Sandra Sully, The 7PM Project hosts Charlie Pickering, Carrie Bickmore and Dave Hughes, Bondi Vet Dr Chris Brown, and Yumi Stynes, Denise Drysdale, Gorgi Coghlan and Chrissie Swan from The Circle.